Portfolio Category: Eyelid

Ectropion Repair

Ectropion and entropion are common maladies of the eyelid margin that can directly affect ocular function and patient comfort; surgical repair is commonly performed. Ectropion (out-turning of the eyelid) can present with keratoconjunctivopathy, infection, and dermatitis, among other signs and symptoms. Tearing is a common presentation, whether the punctum is everted (resulting in a tear outflow problem) or not...
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Ptosis Repair

Ptosis is defined as drooping of the upper lid, partly covering the pupil. Ptosis causes a tired, sleepy appearance and reduces vision. Repair is intended to provide a more youthful, vibrant appearance as well as to improve your sight. Some patients with ptosis also have excess skin and fat in the upper lid, which can be...
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The operative goals of a blepharoplastic procedure are the restoration of the correct functioning to the affected eyelid(s) and the restoration of the aesthetics of the eye-region of the face, which are achieved by eliminating excess skin from the eyelid(s), smoothing the underlying eye muscles, tightening the supporting structures, and resecting and re-draping the excess...
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